Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Zone Conf 8/10/2020

Ok ok so we had a better week this week

So first off we had zone conference which was pretty good we had to keep it short due to virus restrictions but it was good to have a super spiritual meeting with our mission pres.

Then we had a dinner with a member anf get this she is from cordoba!!!! And i served in her area i passed by her old house everyday on the way to work so that was super fun to talk with her and she made us some empanadas so #blessingsfromargentina.

We ended up finding some one new to teach named rosa maria she is very interesting as we went and sat fown gor our first apointment she said i am athiedt thanks to god haha i burst out laughing it was a phrase i hadnt heard since argentina. She is from mexico and has about a million questions she likes to fight us on like if god saw the heart of abraham why did he ask him to kill his son and plenty of other questions similar. Me and my comp knew we were not there to fight and we answered each question with scripture and our testimonies and we actually managed to teach a lesson with her and she agreed to read the book of mormon and we go back to her house this week, haha so thats a very fun experience that keeps my knowledge and spanish on its toes.

Alright thats all for this week love you guys have an amazing week and dont forget to keep sharing your testimony 

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