Monday, August 17, 2020

Car Washing 7/17/2020

Yoooo do this week was pretty goood first off we have started doing a free car wash every saturday and it has been super fun we have met a lot of people all english speaking but we have still seen blessings in our own area from being diligent.

So i got to go on exchanges in my old area and i got to teach the flia salgado and it was awesome i loved seeing them again and they have their baptism this saturday so im super stoked for that!!.

We had a man call us saying that he really liked our videos on facebook and would like us to teach him. He is awesome his name is Enrique and is super interested in the restored gospel he's a stud and a hige blesssing for us.

So high key i have started to lose my spanish already so im pretty bummed about that.

We had dinner, a lesson, and the sacrament with the flia from the dominican republic again and they are still awesome i feel like the dad is one of my highschool buddies, they are super fun to be around. The daughter suffers from depression and doesnt have many friends but she says her week is 10xs better when we come over so that was freaking awesome to hear.

For p day we had a big waterballoon fight and had a bbq do that was awesome

Alright thats all for this week love you all have a great last week of summer

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