Monday, June 22, 2020

The Wa-Tac 6/15/2020

Alright another week down and im starting to kinda get my groove here its still super different but i feel so happy all the time to be a missionary again, plus everything is so nice in this mission i feel like im home sometimes.

So we taught the peruvian lady again her name is magdalena and she was super excited about our lesson and she was able to pay attention and answer a lot of our questions for her so that was really cool, its awesome to be teaching again its the best!!.

We are still in quarantine and they said we will be for at least 6 more weeks minimum so that is kinda bummy but we are still teaching finding and having a ton of meetings over zoom which is quite strange but thats how the work is right now so we will work our hardest.

We have been playing spikeball a good amount because three times a day we have to go outside for 30 mintutes to either play something, go on a drive, or go on a walk. So we mainly just play spikeball and since it rains everyday here we usually come in soaking wet and a little muddy so that is awesome haha.

So here the protests have gotten pretty bad a group of anarchists have taken over the city of seattle and kicked the police and all governors out and have now declared themselves their own country and are led by a dictator, also named their country chazz, so pray for washington please.

Alright thats all for this week remember how important this gospel is for us and especially at this time we should be studying and applying it more than ever
 Love you all and thank you for the support.

I found a skimboard in one apartment and all the elders write their names on it.
My first day in the mish
Service we had cleaning the baptismal font
And i got bored so i drew the last names of all my comps

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