Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving 12/2/2019

alright so we start this week off with transfers that came......, And im staying woot wooot woot haha im so stoked our whole branch got together this saturday waiting for the call to see what happened and when they said i was staying we all started screaming and basically had a mosh pit in our little house chapel haha it was so hilarious, but yes im so happy to work here for one more change lets gooo six months in capilla del monte.

So thanksgiving this week and i just ate meat like the usual week haha this week i actually got sick of eating so much steak so i went on a pure fruits and veggies fast for two days and that helped me out a lot to eat meat again for lunch yesterday haha.

But im super greatful for all you. everyone of you has had an impact in me becoming who the lord needs thankyou for all the advice and help in difficult times im incredibly blessed with the best family of like 100 members in the world and friends who are basically my brothers and sisters love you all. I also am so greatful for this chance i have to be a representative of our lord and savior the chances i have to grow and become better on a daily basis are uncountable. Amo a cada uno de ustedes y mi salvador y padre celestial.

Work here is going good we are mayormente working with the same families(also i get complaints alot for putting spanish words in my emails im sorry i just forget the english words a lot and dont want to look it up so mayormente means the mayority of the time basically) They are progressing a lot and we are super excited ive never had the chance to see a whole family progress like this in the gospel it brings so much happiness to me and them.

ALright so thats all for this week and i am without fotos sorry i only have pics of the asados we had and i think you have all seen enough meat on the grill from my emails haha love you all have a great week

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