Sunday, August 25, 2019

feasting upon the words of Christ 8/19/2019

week 3 here in capilla and i love it more and more every day. i feel part of the family here in the branch of capilla del monte.

so this week me and my comp decided to try and organize an activity for the youth because there are tons of inactive youth and its been forever since they had any kind of activity. so we put together volleyball and it was a crazy success we had like 40 people there and normally in church there is only 20 people so it was pretty awesome and youth here are super fun so we are gonna try to do something like that every week now.

funny story so we were walking up this huge hill in my area and there was an old man picking weeds from the sidewalk and so i asked if we could help him then he looked at me and said where are you from. i said north america haha and he said ah **** so why you here huh all you want is war right? haha because people here in argentina think the united states just looks for war at any time possible. i said no im here sharing a message about christ and if he wanted to we could share it with him. he hesitated then said well you will probably just cause war here in argentina but if you talk about christ im willing to give you a chance. we have an apointment with him tomorrow.

so i was studying the talk given by takashi wada this past conference and i really love this talk especially a story he shares about how his mother was converted to the church by a little boy giving her a hymn book in church. i love this story because it proves the scripture through small things big things will come to pass. takashi wada is a member of the quorum of the seventy and he had tried to help his mother join the church for years but when she saw the good things this little boy learned in his christ centered home she was moved to join the church. as members of this church we have the obligation and opportunity to emulate christ at all times we never know who is watching and what effect our actions can have on those who are not of our faith.

love you guys have a great week all the love in the world - elder singley

capilla del monte
we made a tree house with kids of an inactive member
walking to church with investigators

Thursday, August 15, 2019

amo cordoba 8/12/2019

hey guys so second week already down here in capilla so nuts time is flying right now. this week was pretty normal i had exchanges twice so we didnt get to work a lot in our area but it was still lit.

so we are working with a family and the mom is single with 4 kids and they are awesome and me and my comp made a tree house with her little kids and it brought me back to my good old days of always making forts and stuff like that haha. but they are super cool and ready for the gospel.

We had lunch here everyday with members and im gaining weight quick here ahha im now at 167 pounds, never thought i would way that much in my life in highschool for wrestling i was cutting weight to make it into the 110 weight class haha so i might come back as a bowling ball.

We had a sick zone p day today we played soccer for like 2 hours then had an asado super rico then we hike the mountains and had a sermon in the mount which was sick i love argentina its so freaking pretty.

alright thats all this week sorry nothing too exciting keep up the good work guys and remember we all have amazing potential and the lord is waiting for us to use it we are in the world but we are not of the world we are from above.
love you guys 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

para siempre vive capilla del monte!!!!!! 8/5/2019

ahhhh week one down back in capilla and i have officially fallen in love with this place and have been talking with some members about me buying a house here in the future to come back and visit.

the vibe here is soo wack there are a lot of hippies with dreads smoking marijuana haha but also a lot of amazing people waiting for this gospel. also there are a lot of alien stories here so we frequently have to answer really wierd questions about all that goodyness about space and other life hahha.

alright funny story this week we were contacting and we were talking about the book of mormon with this one wacho guy(person who smokes a lot but has divine potential) and my hand extended his hand with to let him hold the book and a pigeon flew over and pooped all over my comps hand and the book. He started dying laughing and then said with tears in his eyes from laughing ah well that book isnt true i guess and then he just walked away. haha super wierd.

i already feel at home here in capilla the members are amazing i have lunch every single day with a member and sometimes dinner. and they all cook sooo good yesterday our president brought us chicken asado with french fries and a coke ah best lunch after fasting. 

The work is also super good i swear everyday someone comes up to us and is like hey i want to know more and also i have a friend to wants to talk to you guys!!!! its so crazy haha i love it.

I meant this one guy named francisco super rad dude he just moved here from paris france and speaks english spanish french and german. its a little hard to understand his spanish with a super thick french accent but he was super rad and now we are teaching him and he is pretty excited about it. 

alright guys thats all for this week. im doing amazing so thank you for so much support and prayers i love this work more than anything. also i strongly suggest the book saints just finished it and its amazing.

My Testimony