Tuesday, August 6, 2019

para siempre vive capilla del monte!!!!!! 8/5/2019

ahhhh week one down back in capilla and i have officially fallen in love with this place and have been talking with some members about me buying a house here in the future to come back and visit.

the vibe here is soo wack there are a lot of hippies with dreads smoking marijuana haha but also a lot of amazing people waiting for this gospel. also there are a lot of alien stories here so we frequently have to answer really wierd questions about all that goodyness about space and other life hahha.

alright funny story this week we were contacting and we were talking about the book of mormon with this one wacho guy(person who smokes a lot but has divine potential) and my hand extended his hand with to let him hold the book and a pigeon flew over and pooped all over my comps hand and the book. He started dying laughing and then said with tears in his eyes from laughing ah well that book isnt true i guess and then he just walked away. haha super wierd.

i already feel at home here in capilla the members are amazing i have lunch every single day with a member and sometimes dinner. and they all cook sooo good yesterday our president brought us chicken asado with french fries and a coke ah best lunch after fasting. 

The work is also super good i swear everyday someone comes up to us and is like hey i want to know more and also i have a friend to wants to talk to you guys!!!! its so crazy haha i love it.

I meant this one guy named francisco super rad dude he just moved here from paris france and speaks english spanish french and german. its a little hard to understand his spanish with a super thick french accent but he was super rad and now we are teaching him and he is pretty excited about it. 

alright guys thats all for this week. im doing amazing so thank you for so much support and prayers i love this work more than anything. also i strongly suggest the book saints just finished it and its amazing.

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