Tuesday, July 2, 2019

tooth break 2.0 7/1/2019

whats up so not too much to report this week and im so cold right now it hurts to type haha so its gonna be a short one this week.

so first off yes i broke the same tooth again eating some dank empanadas so i have a dentist appointment tomorrow but if you know me you know im not about the dentist and especially not a dentist in argentina haha so we will see if i still end up going tomorrow.

we had a youth discussion with all the youth in this stake of cordoba and it was awesome like six missionaries were asked to come and speak and me and my comp were two of them and it was super awesome and spiritual i got to talk about missionary work to a bunch of youth that were deciding wether or not to serve missions and i was looking at the crowd of youth i was talking to and couldnt help but think of all my siblings cousins and youth in my ward and i started to cry during my talk trying to explain the love i have for this work and how important it is that we can all serve even if it means not serving a mission, then a young girl came up to me after and she was the age of 18 and reminded me like crazy of my sister brinna(bernard) and she expressed a lot of trials she was going through but she had the strongest testimony and i could only think of brinna in this moment and i started to cry again ahhaa i just wanted to hug her and tell her much the lord loved her. and i want you all to know how amazing this work really is nothing replaces the happiness i feel here. and i know you all can feel the same happiness in your homes teaching and sharing this gospel.

This week i read a quote from jeffery r holland and it said our heavenly father never gives us anthing but the best he has for us. i love that it helps me see him so much through all my trials and feel his love so strong for me.

Love you guys have the best week and seek out your savior
love elder singley

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