So this week started off with a conference in cordoba which is awesome i love em they always pump me up so much for missionary work. i also get to see all my boys from the mish and get letters from home woot woot.
Despues de eso tuvimos intercambios con los lideres de la zona y fue bueno yo tuvo con elder gingles mi primer lider de zona en cruz del eje. somos muy bien amigos y yo pudo aprender mucho de el y este translado es su ultimo en la mission antes que el termina su mission.
haha then we headed back to good old rio segundo with the mentalidad that we were gonna kill it for the three days we had left in the week. so we decided to take only thrity minutes for lunch and then just keep grinding and we were able to get 5 investigators to church!!! The most this branch has seen in over 5 months. so we were super pumped about that but then we were destroyed for the weekend and dead beat tired but it felt so good to finally see people in church.
Update on gabriel y familia so these guys are doing awesome and are able to see blesssing of the gospel everyday so thats super cool to watch the gospel work in peoples lives like this. we are working on getting them married so they can recieve the blessing of having a family inside the commandments and then they can be baptized and recieve even more blessings.
This week was super awesome for me i was able to keep my head up a lot more than last week and think in my savior a lot more and all he did for me and all the blessings i have recieved including this chance i have to serve his children. i know we all have hard moments but jesus christ knows them all and wants us to confide in him. he made the ultimate sacrifice for us and we need to try and remeber that in every moment of our day. i love my savior and heavenly father so much give so much thanks for this chance i have its a one in a million experience and i only have two short years to wear my saviors name on my pocket, but i encourage all those even without a nametag to share this amazing gospel we have to everyone we come in contact with.
Thats all for this week i hope we can all keep this easter spirit with us and remember he did everything for us.
love elder singley