Tuesday, April 9, 2019

6 Months 18 to go 4/9/2019

alright so this week i finessed and the mission time didnt change to 18 months but i was right about coffee so a win and a loss.
 but seriously conference was one of the best things ever for me it was so amazing to watch all the other times i watched conference i kinda just listened and then never took the advice and actually applyed it to my life but this last conference as a missionary and i was glued to the screen i loved every second there were so many amazing talks with so much council one of my favorite talks was given by becky craven in the saturday morning session it was so good to me she gave a big cane drop and called us all to repentence but really we need it. we have all become a little slacked on the basic things we need to follow in the church. this conference had a glaring theme and it was the gospel of jesus christ the basics. first faith in jesus christ, repentence, baptism, and endure to the end. we need to study these basics things and follow them everyday and get better and better everyday. i encourage everyone to go over these talks as much as you guys can there is so much wisdom and in case you didnt hear from pres. nelson we dont have much more time.

This week i was studying wordly happiness vs the gospel happiness  was wondering a lot about why sometimes people outside of the gospel experience a lot more happiness than we sometimes do. then i was reading in 3 nephi 27 11 which says 11 But if it be not built upon my gospel, and is built upon the works of men, or upon the works of the devil, verily say unto you they have joy in their works for season, and by and by the end cometh, and they are hewn down and cast into the firefrom whence there is no return.   
so that is super cleary stated that yes through our own power as men we can provide happiness for ourselves for a season but it will never last unless we are built upon the gospel of jesus christ he is the only way to find true and lasting happiness. so that was my studies for this week hope you enjoy.

not to much else happened this week still just grinding and finding some souls to save through this amazing gospel. i testify we have a true and living prophet who litterally recieves revelation for all of us. i know this is church is true and love this gospel more than anything.
good luck to you all this week love you and hope you have the best week.
elde singley

my broken shoes
a mate a girl made for us that has our name and the flag usa and argentina
just messing around

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