Monday, July 6, 2020

The 4th 7/6/2020

Hey guys hows everyone doing???
So this week was awesome, so me and elder gillette one of my comps, he was also reassigned from the d r. So we were crazy hyped for the 4th of july because it seems like we havent had one in forever, and its my theory than when you leave this country and live outside of it for a while your patriotism grows x10 haha so we were pretty psyched.
And washington didnt disappoint we had fireworks constantly going off from july 3 to july 5 and it was awesome, all fireworks are legal here so they were going nuts for so long all day you could here popping of fireworks.
Then we had some american burgers with a family and the dad served in mexico and paraguay so we chatted a little bit and that was super fun and the burgers were awesome haha.

So i got to meet my new mission pres and he is awesome definitely callled of god, he is so in tune with the spirit. He said something i think was awesome, he said if you think this quarantine or pandemic is slowing our work down you could not be more wrong. The lord said he will hasten his work not slow it down and now this work is hastening at rapid speeds this work will never slowed down ever it will only get faster and faster till it reaches everyone. I loved that so much god saw this pandemic and we need to recognize that this is part of the plan this is meant to mold us into something new so i invite you all to find what god would like you to change during this time.

Ok so update on the salgado flia, we had another great lesson with them and it was awesome they loved it haha also the 9 year old boy asked me how many thorns were on the crown they put on jesus when he was crucified and i had no idea how to answer so i said no i didnt and asked him if he knew and he said yes there are 60 haha i asked him how he knew and he said he counted on the picture in the pamphlet haha i was dead.

Ok thats all for this week love you all have a great week

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