Monday, July 20, 2020

7/20/2020 Transfers

Hey guys so this week not much happened but it was still awesome.

So first off we were teaching the salgado family and this time their grandparents and a aunt were there, so it was big group and at the end everyone that was elegible accepted a baptismal date!!!!!! All 6 of them will be baptized the 22 of august.

Kinda bummy news i got transfered after being here for only one transfer im kinda sad to leave the salgados but i know they will continue to do great and im excited for this new area and to see what new good things will come of it. I will still be in a quad companionship but now it will be with only reassigned missionaries nobody actually from this mission haha so it should be interesting.

We are teaching another family the colemans and we have had a couple lessons with them now and the in the last lessons some of them began crying and really opening up to us and at the end they said they knew this was the path for them and asked about baptism!!! Its a family of 3 and so now they are also preparing for baptism this coming month.

Alright love you all hope you have an amazing week and remember to share your testimony whenever possible it is one of the sharpest tools we have, and we need to use it as often as we can.
I started putting a goal per day of how many times i could bear my testimony just in small ways and its been awesome so i invite you all to do the same!!

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