Monday, June 29, 2020

Spikeball on a Volcano 6/29/2020

Hey everyone
So it was an awesome week
We met a honduran family and they are awesome they are super funny and love learning more about god we actually get to meet with them in person and its so awesome teaching in a house with a family again im in love with that feeling. They have like 4 little kids 3 girls and one boy and they crack me up we play around a lot and call me elder blingley haha so thats awesome

This week for p day we got to go to mt rainier national park and holy cow one of the coolest playest ever its a huge active volcano surrounded by the most lush forest ive ever seen everything is covered in moss and it was super cool. 
We saw a bear and did a bunch of waterfall hikes 
We got to play spikeball up in the snow at the top of the volcano so that was pretty sweet, there was snow everywhere but it was 70 degrees outside so it was a super fun trip and highly recommend it to everyone.

K thats all for this week keep prayers coming to tacoma, love you all and i love this amazing work. Prophecies are coming to pass right now read the scriptures and look around christ is so close to coming

Love you all have a great week

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Beach 6/22/2020

Hey guys so another week down here in washington and its crazy how fast time is flying.

So we are still in quarantine and not much sounds like it will change but i am actually really grateful for this time to study a little extra and get back on that grind and its been awesome its crazy how fast satan tries to make us forget the little things like reading the scriptures.
It seems so small and sometimes annoying to read the scriptures everyday but i challenge everyone i dont care who you are, where you are from, what language you speak or anything else. But just read one chapter in the scriptures everyday and try to get to a month then two months and then get to a year where you can say i have tried my best to read at least one chapter a day and your life with have been blessed in ways we cant imagine so just try to get to a month then look back on it and ponder about what things were better and what blessings you recieved. I testify that scriptures have physical power to influence us in many ways and one of the best ways to hear our god speak to us.

So to film a couple videos for facebook we went down to the beach and it was super pretty, and best part we saw a pod if dolphins and a pod of killer orca whales!!!! Haha so sick washington is pretty awesome and i love the beauty up anywhere we go im constantly reminded of it by the nature that surrounds me.

Lastly i just want to say how grateful i am for the many friends ive made on the mission wether they were comps or members or investigators each one has touched my heart in different ways and i feel as though i have known these people my whole lives its such a cool bond and blessing i have recieved from the mission

Ok thats all for this week i love you guys and hope you all have an awesome week and send some prayers to Washington!!

The Wa-Tac 6/15/2020

Alright another week down and im starting to kinda get my groove here its still super different but i feel so happy all the time to be a missionary again, plus everything is so nice in this mission i feel like im home sometimes.

So we taught the peruvian lady again her name is magdalena and she was super excited about our lesson and she was able to pay attention and answer a lot of our questions for her so that was really cool, its awesome to be teaching again its the best!!.

We are still in quarantine and they said we will be for at least 6 more weeks minimum so that is kinda bummy but we are still teaching finding and having a ton of meetings over zoom which is quite strange but thats how the work is right now so we will work our hardest.

We have been playing spikeball a good amount because three times a day we have to go outside for 30 mintutes to either play something, go on a drive, or go on a walk. So we mainly just play spikeball and since it rains everyday here we usually come in soaking wet and a little muddy so that is awesome haha.

So here the protests have gotten pretty bad a group of anarchists have taken over the city of seattle and kicked the police and all governors out and have now declared themselves their own country and are led by a dictator, also named their country chazz, so pray for washington please.

Alright thats all for this week remember how important this gospel is for us and especially at this time we should be studying and applying it more than ever
 Love you all and thank you for the support.

I found a skimboard in one apartment and all the elders write their names on it.
My first day in the mish
Service we had cleaning the baptismal font
And i got bored so i drew the last names of all my comps

Monday, June 8, 2020

Tacoma Week 1 6/8/2020

Hey guys so this is the first week back and im sending this email sitting in my car and from my phone so its pretty wierd here.

So on the flight here i sat next to hna longhurst and she was serving in mexico and went to weber high we were the only two there and once we got to washington our president was waiting for us he took us on a 45 minute drive and gave us a short tour on a bridge that goes over the bay here.
and holy cow its so pretty here it reminds me of island park like crazy there are just hundreds of super tall pine trees but then a fat ocean bay in the middle of everything i love it here and its so crazy green.

So i ended getting put in a spanish branchs and im soooo siked about it. There are only 3 spanish branches in total. So im in a companionship of 3 other elders and we all go home at the same time except one elder he foes home this next transfer. One is from arizona one from utah and the other from cali. The only other one reassigned is from cali elder gillette he was sweving in the dominican republic.
Our apartment is amazing haha its so plush we have carpet multiple couches an exercise bench and two bathrooms. So its pretty crazy here and i ate some little ceasers pizza for lunch so its like two different worlds.

So i had my first lesson back with a peruvian from arequipa and it was awesome it brought me straight back to argentina and reminding me how much i love teaching even if its just over the phone.
We are still pretty limited here just doing a lot of service and calls but we are in phase two and in 3 weeks if we pass off we are in phase 3 so pray for that.
Love you all and hope you have a great week.
Our whips
Weed is legal
And my crib

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tacoma Washington

June 6, 2020
Elder Jaxon Singley headed back out to
serve the Lord and the people of
Tacoma Washington.
Saying goodbye wasn't easy, but knowing he'll be home in
October helps a little bit.

My Testimony