Wednesday, March 25, 2020

4/1/2020 My trek home

ok so first off it started about two and a half weeks ago we got a call that we were all headed home it was some pretty sucky news to receive but we were all also a little excited to see the fam. That was all they told us, we didnt get a date or anything just to start packing and be ready. so about a week went by and they told us that there was a flight coming this week and that we are going to try to get on it. the problem was that i was in a province called la rioja close to the coast of chile and i needed to get to the coast of buenos aires two different oceans and on the other side of the continent. the trouble was that the borders were all blocked off to travel. so each day we waited eagerly and with a little less patience each day then the office told us we would have a bus coming the day before the flight to get us into cordoba province and then to buenos aires. so that didnt happen we missed the flight and it got filled with missionaries in buenos aires. we were some what upset but we wanted to keep positive so we played games and our mission started singing hymns all together at 10 each night to keep the moral up and feel the spirit those moments were amazing for me loved them to death even tho im awful at singing. so then we again got news we were leaving and that a bus was coming and so forth but nothing came and it was this process for several days until finally the church got a military fire truck to have permission to let us through the border so they came and picked us up then took us to a biohazard facility to test us for the corona virus which was kinda nuts. but we all passed and made it out of la rioja but we had to take a slight detour up to catamarca another province more north to go pick up a couple of other missionaries then we got a police escort to cordoba. we made it there after a nine hour bus ride and they put all of us gringos in a new hotel on temple grounds for those who come to visit the temple. it was awesome to see all my buddies again from the mish that i hadnt seen in so long. so we stayed the night there but as we were entering into the hotel a jehovas witness member starting filming that we had so many people gathered together in the same place so naturally she called the cops and through the night the cops came 4 times then said if they came again they were taking us all to jail. thankfully they did not come again that night. we woke up at 4 am to start packing two huge busses to take us to buenos aires and of course the cops then came again and were watching the whole thing super stressfull and we were all on about an hour of sleep. But the bus finally left and we started our 10hour journey to buenos aires and we arrived there about 9 pm they took us to the mtc in buenos aires which is on the temple grounds as well so that was super cool to see that temple. in the mtc there were 6 other mission from argentina staying just waiting to be shuttled to the airport. i found a couple friends there from highschool so that was sick. we stayed there waiting until 5 am and we could finally head to the airport where we waiting outside until about 8 and then finally made it in the airport and and got our bags checked and everything then got my ticket and recieved a huge blessing. my seat on the place was a suit so i had my own bed a room and a door with all the perks it was amazing i asked one of the flight attendents how much was the seat and she said 10 000 dollars so really a once in a lifetime seat haha and it was awesome i took turns with some of my friends so they could see how it was as well. Then after a 12 hour flight we made it into salt lake city where i got to see my fam and then had my extended family waiting for me outside my house staying in there cars haha but it was quite the journey about 30 hours around there in total but i want to thank everyone for their prayers for us missionaries through this process we saw the hand of god many times and it was an amazing experience that was hard but we grew a lot from it. love you all for the support and hopefully and can see some of you soon.

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