ok so first off it started about two and a half weeks ago we got a call that we were all headed home it was some pretty sucky news to receive but we were all also a little excited to see the fam. That was all they told us, we didnt get a date or anything just to start packing and be ready. so about a week went by and they told us that there was a flight coming this week and that we are going to try to get on it. the problem was that i was in a province called la rioja close to the coast of chile and i needed to get to the coast of buenos aires two different oceans and on the other side of the continent. the trouble was that the borders were all blocked off to travel. so each day we waited eagerly and with a little less patience each day then the office told us we would have a bus coming the day before the flight to get us into cordoba province and then to buenos aires. so that didnt happen we missed the flight and it got filled with missionaries in buenos aires. we were some what upset but we wanted to keep positive so we played games and our mission started singing hymns all together at 10 each night to keep the moral up and feel the spirit those moments were amazing for me loved them to death even tho im awful at singing. so then we again got news we were leaving and that a bus was coming and so forth but nothing came and it was this process for several days until finally the church got a military fire truck to have permission to let us through the border so they came and picked us up then took us to a biohazard facility to test us for the corona virus which was kinda nuts. but we all passed and made it out of la rioja but we had to take a slight detour up to catamarca another province more north to go pick up a couple of other missionaries then we got a police escort to cordoba. we made it there after a nine hour bus ride and they put all of us gringos in a new hotel on temple grounds for those who come to visit the temple. it was awesome to see all my buddies again from the mish that i hadnt seen in so long. so we stayed the night there but as we were entering into the hotel a jehovas witness member starting filming that we had so many people gathered together in the same place so naturally she called the cops and through the night the cops came 4 times then said if they came again they were taking us all to jail. thankfully they did not come again that night. we woke up at 4 am to start packing two huge busses to take us to buenos aires and of course the cops then came again and were watching the whole thing super stressfull and we were all on about an hour of sleep. But the bus finally left and we started our 10hour journey to buenos aires and we arrived there about 9 pm they took us to the mtc in buenos aires which is on the temple grounds as well so that was super cool to see that temple. in the mtc there were 6 other mission from argentina staying just waiting to be shuttled to the airport. i found a couple friends there from highschool so that was sick. we stayed there waiting until 5 am and we could finally head to the airport where we waiting outside until about 8 and then finally made it in the airport and and got our bags checked and everything then got my ticket and recieved a huge blessing. my seat on the place was a suit so i had my own bed a room and a door with all the perks it was amazing i asked one of the flight attendents how much was the seat and she said 10 000 dollars so really a once in a lifetime seat haha and it was awesome i took turns with some of my friends so they could see how it was as well. Then after a 12 hour flight we made it into salt lake city where i got to see my fam and then had my extended family waiting for me outside my house staying in there cars haha but it was quite the journey about 30 hours around there in total but i want to thank everyone for their prayers for us missionaries through this process we saw the hand of god many times and it was an amazing experience that was hard but we grew a lot from it. love you all for the support and hopefully and can see some of you soon.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
By way of this letter, we want to bring you up-to-date related to the missionary work in this part of the Lord’s vineyard.
After extensive consultation with Brethren in Salt Lake and the Missionary Department , and keeping uppermost in their minds the safety and well-being of each missionary, the Area Presidency has determined to return all foreign missionaries serving in the South America South Area to their home countries to be reassigned to a mission in that country.
This means that your son, Elder Singley, will be returning home in the following weeks and their travel itineraries will be shared with you once they have been finalized. We want to also stress that given the current challenges related to international travel, the return will be completed as soon as feasible based on the availability of flights.
We are deeply grateful to have been blessed with the opportunity to serve with such special young men and women in this, the Lord’s work. It has been a privilege to be in their presence in the Argentina Córdoba Mission. May the Lord continue to bless them always!
President and Sister Hintze
Letter from Mission President. 3/24/2020
Dear Parents:
How grateful we are to serve with your sons and daughters in the Lord’s cause. We love these young women and young men as our own. Please know that with the coronavirus, or COVID-19, affecting people here and around the world, our highest priority right now continues to be your missionary’s personal health and safety.
To help ensure the missionaries’ continued physical and spiritual well-being, we are following the inspired and well-informed direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, our Area Presidency, and the Missionary Department. We also are instructing the missionaries in following local and national government guidelines and precautions, reminding them to:
· Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
· Stay in their apartment whenever they themselves are sick. Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
· Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
· Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with household cleaning spray or wipes.
· Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (which should always be done if their hands are visibly dirty), and, if soap and water are not readily available, to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
We are asking your missionary to contact us immediately if they feel sick so that we can involve health care professionals and our area medical advisers. If your missionary has chronic or critical health issues that we need to be aware of, we also invite you to reply to this email to make sure that we address any concerns. We understand very well that the current situation may be stressful and cause concerns for some of our missionaries and their families, but we will watch over your missionary carefully and will communicate with them often.
If it becomes necessary for our missionaries to only work from their apartments, we will provide additional funds for them to purchase food and supplies. We will help the missionaries prepare and make sure their needs are met.
These are challenging times and circumstances, but to us this also is an opportunity to continue sharing the gospel. If our missionaries are required to work primarily from their apartments, they will continue to focus on their missionary purpose by teaching
How grateful we are to serve with your sons and daughters in the Lord’s cause. We love these young women and young men as our own. Please know that with the coronavirus, or COVID-19, affecting people here and around the world, our highest priority right now continues to be your missionary’s personal health and safety.
To help ensure the missionaries’ continued physical and spiritual well-being, we are following the inspired and well-informed direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, our Area Presidency, and the Missionary Department. We also are instructing the missionaries in following local and national government guidelines and precautions, reminding them to:
· Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
· Stay in their apartment whenever they themselves are sick. Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
· Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
· Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with household cleaning spray or wipes.
· Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (which should always be done if their hands are visibly dirty), and, if soap and water are not readily available, to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
We are asking your missionary to contact us immediately if they feel sick so that we can involve health care professionals and our area medical advisers. If your missionary has chronic or critical health issues that we need to be aware of, we also invite you to reply to this email to make sure that we address any concerns. We understand very well that the current situation may be stressful and cause concerns for some of our missionaries and their families, but we will watch over your missionary carefully and will communicate with them often.
If it becomes necessary for our missionaries to only work from their apartments, we will provide additional funds for them to purchase food and supplies. We will help the missionaries prepare and make sure their needs are met.
These are challenging times and circumstances, but to us this also is an opportunity to continue sharing the gospel. If our missionaries are required to work primarily from their apartments, they will continue to focus on their missionary purpose by teaching
using technology (where available), studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, language learning, family history, online community service and other activities as needed. This is also a significant opportunity for missionaries to work closely with local Church leaders to reach out to new and returning members, families where some individuals are not yet members, and members with special ministering needs. Our missionaries will continue to go outside for exercise and fresh air while observing wise guidelines for personal contact. All of these activities will help them continue the Lord’s work, grow spiritually, and bless those in the communities they serve.
Going forward, we will continue to send updates to you as mission circumstances evolve. If your missionary is working from their apartment, they may communicate with you (parents only) twice a week to share their status and experiences.
Please be assured that we are completely dedicated to keeping your missionary healthy and safe. And we are most grateful for our loving Heavenly Father’s supporting hand in caring for them. May he continue to abundantly bless you and your family, each and every missionary, and the people we have been called to serve.
With our greatest love and appreciation, President and Sister Hintze
Going forward, we will continue to send updates to you as mission circumstances evolve. If your missionary is working from their apartment, they may communicate with you (parents only) twice a week to share their status and experiences.
Please be assured that we are completely dedicated to keeping your missionary healthy and safe. And we are most grateful for our loving Heavenly Father’s supporting hand in caring for them. May he continue to abundantly bless you and your family, each and every missionary, and the people we have been called to serve.
With our greatest love and appreciation, President and Sister Hintze
Parents and Family of the Missionaries of the Mission Argentina Córdoba,
We are sending this email to give you an update of the situation here in terms of the Corona Virus. We want to inform you that the we are taking the safety of your missionaries very seriously, and that it is our priority. We are taking precautions according to the recommendations of the church, and the government of Argentina. All missionaries have been informed to have at least a three-day supply of food in their apartments. In this moment all meetings in large groups (including meetings with other missionaries) have been suspended, and they have been advised to avoid public spaces. Every missionary has also been advised to carry hand sanitizer, and to use it frequently, especially after contact with other people. In areas with confirmed cases of the Corona Virus, the government has ordered people to stay in their houses and only leave if necessary. In areas where this applies, the missionaries are complying with this demand. As we have more information, we will contact you. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.
The Office of the Mission Argentina Córdoba
Oficina de La Misión Argentina Córdoba
Gay Lussac 5270, B° Villa Belgrano 5009
Córdoba Capital, Córdoba
Telefono: +54 (03543)421232
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
3/24/2020 argentina mi unica
alright so as everyone kinda knows we are all going home.
im still out here in argentina in quarantine like ive been for 7 days now.
it was super hard news to hear that we would be getting sent home in the following weeks.
it made me feel sick to my stomach thinking about leaving argentina right now.
i love this place with all my heart and the people even more the things that i have learned from argentina and its people cant be counted.
i am incredibly gratefull for this chance i had to serve out here it really is a short time especially when it gets cut to 19 months haha. This place has a very big part of my heart. at the beginning of my mission i would sometimes complain about the small things in argentina that bothered me or i didnt like and she always said the same thing that one day i would grow to love those things more than anything else. mom was right i love how close argentines are with one another how they are so friendly even to strangers. They are very competetive and sometimes pridefull those who know me are probably thinking so then you fit right in haha and the answer is most of the time yes but i have only learned good things from these people they have taught me life lessons that are priceless. i cant express all the love i have for this experience place and people but know that it holds a special place for me.
from what i have been told i will not be able to be reassigned to a state side mission which makes sad but also very gratefull for the time that i have had to serve the lord and his children. i always listened to many people say that they knew christ personally and that they had a relationship with him as if it were with a friend. This bothered me always to hear because i never felt like i had that relationship but here in the mission of course i found the classic verse that says when you are in the service of your fellow man you are only in the service of god. Through that scripture i gained the motivation to serve so that i too could testify of my relationship of christ. now is that moment that he knows me more than anyone he has always accepted me and always will. i love him with all my heart and i just want to keep progressing to get closer to him and my heavenly father. i have found many new hobbies in the mission one is teaching i love it.
in closing id like to thank all those who have supported me through this journey those thinking about missions at this time i know it seems harder to do with all the virus stuff but serve i know everyone says its the best and thats because it really is the best and i can testify 100 that there is no greater joy than serving gods children i love this work and i love my argentina te prometo de volver pronto.
love all you guys and see you soon
Monday, March 16, 2020
3/16/2020 Corona
What up what up so this is a little update on the work and the virus here in argentina
So first the pres of argentina put us all on ration of water and food and we need to have two weeks of water stored away and ready. The hna of the mission has given us a list of food we need to have in the apartment
we are still working but that is getting hard, hardly anyone has the time or wants to listen to us right now so door knocking has gone pretty ineffective but we still looking. we have to avoid lessons with more than three people in the same place and carry hand sanitizer around everywhere. Sacrament we have in our apartment.
district meetings and other mission meeting are all canceled. Today we lost one of the boys of our apartment he went home because all those who were supposed to go home this transfer left today to not get stuck in argentina so now we are in a trio.
i dont think its actually that dangerous here but everyone is freaking out so maybe haha idk but for now we are keeping up our normal schedule pretty much thankyou for all the prayers sent this way the lord is taking care of us and we will be all good.
love you all hope everyone stays safe and stays away from the virus, great time to practice having church at home and have that spirit with us so we are ready when a worse time comes.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Monday, March 2, 2020
another weeker in la rioja. 3/2/2020
whats up guys so this week was hot again haha technically it should be going into fall but we are still in the 100s everyday.
but other than that work has been going good here update on sheila we got her to still come to church and it was a a fast sunday i was pretty scared of the members and what would be shared but it was a super good sunday over 40 people shared their testimony and maybe it was a little overboard for sheila but i loved it hearing every person testify of the book of mormon and joseph smith put me at peace and i felt awesome. keep the prayers coming on behalf of sheila.
so the big festival chaya passed by this week haha and it was nuts everyone was covered in paint water mud and flour super messy and everywhere everyone was just partying and playing tin can drums all night for three days straight celebrating carnival. haha so that was kinda lit but hard to sleep.
weight update-172 pounds. i am yet to have an asado here in this new area rip to capilla.
alright sorry not to much else this week love you guys have a good week.
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Dear Parents By way of this letter, we want to bring you up-to-date related to the missionary work in this part of the Lord’s vineyar...
What up gente so this week was a mixture of awesome and pretty crappy. First off the other day i was showerin after a good hot day and a s...
hey everyone i had a short but awesome week So this week started off pretty slow we had rain storms for almost 4 days straight and it g...