Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1/13/2020 Inferno

what up what up everyone so first week down out here haha and i already got some fresh tan lines that are looking spicy

So out here in la rioja ive tried several time to shower with cold water and it basically does not exist haha i woke up super early to see if it was cold and its always warm cause out tank of water is on the roof and it just heats up all day. Four days this past week hit over 100 degrees so this will be a good adventure.(while my family is snowboarding without me ahah)

So im in an apartment of 4 elders one is from chile he has 22 months then his comp from venezuela and he has 6 months and my comp from brazil and he has 5 months haha so im the only gringo but its pretty sick nice to have other elders to talk to at the end of the day and makes it easier to get used to a new area and new comp.

So investigator wise we are blanking the area which means we are the first ones here, so we gotta get to know all the members and where everything is haha but we found out that we have an actual chapel instead of a house so that will be sweet!

Alright im outta here love you guys see ya next week sorry no pics

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tougher Week 1/7/2020

So this week sucked a little bit Started off with us getting transfers i found out im going to a different state up north and after a 10 hour bus ride and little to no sleep haha im finally here and its 120 degrees outside so its gonna be a fun couple transfers haha.

leaving capilla absolutely sucked every part of it. i felt like i was leaving my home and family and i wanted to die. saying goodbye to everyone after six months with them was the worst i felt super sick to my stomach but on sunday we had testimony meeting and everyone in the branch bore their testimony and thanked me for my work including my convert hernan and this was his first time bearing his testimony so that was so happy to see i love the heck out of capilla and without a doubt with go back there many times.

So my new area or state is la rioja from what ive seen in the few hours ive been here it seems pretty cool and im really excited, my comp is elder kampell and he is from brazil so now my list of comps is california,bolivia,colorado,el salvador,argentina,chile and now brazil so im pretty stoked.

alright im super tired and im runing on my sleep from sunday night so im gonna head out and try to rest a little so we can work later today but love you all and have a great week.

My Testimony