Wednesday, November 13, 2019

haunted eden 11/11/2019

So this week was pretty long haha we traveled a good lot again and that always kills me so not a fan of that.

First off we had to take a trip down to cordoba for a conference with elder de hoyos the area president of argentina chile uruguay and one other country i cant remember haha. but it was pretty good we learned a lot more about how to work with the members in each of our areas. so i encourage those that are members to work with the missionaries as much as you can, even if you live in utah.
ive always heard the saying a mission is the best place you could be in the world. and president nelson also said that there is not anything going on in the world around you that is more important than gathering israel. This week i got a better understanding of that a little. As missionaries or at least in my case im always fighting to stay as focused as i can and forget about home "truly lose myself in the work" This is a hard thing to achieve, all my mission my home has been in the back of my head and there have been times where i have been completely focused and other times no. But understanding why heavenly father chose me to be here argentina helped me to not really try to forget about home but i found something more important than my home life, more important than all the activities and foods i miss. Which is just the people here in corodoba, my grandpa always tells me there is someone praying for the thing i carry in my backpack everyday which is the gospel. There is no reason to miss home cause i found something more important and urgent in my life to complete with, i want to be the best instrument i can in gods hands and understand what he wants with me and how i can help someone else.

So then we had another conference this sunday in la falda an area about an hour away from me, where they talked about the importance of doing our part in everything always give it our all and leave nothing on the field. It makes me excited to work as hard as i can in this life as if it were a sport or something try to be in the best shape i can so i can win.

P day news we went to this museum in la falds which is supposedly haunted and also hitler died there, During the war with hitler many germans fled to argentina so there are many nazi stories and stuff like that. But the old show ghostbusters came and visited this hotel/museum and claimed it haunted haha so we went on a tour of the place and it was pretty cool then they scare you at the end in a dark room and thats it haha

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