Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Thanksgiving 11/18/2019

Week six starting here so almost the last week of this transfer, we have seven weeks this transfer dont know why.

But this week was pretty sick so first off we were teaching brisna and out of no where she sparked up a ton of interest and asked us a bunch of questions because at the beginning in her man religion was something man made up to cope with the bad things in life. but now she understands that christ actually established a church and a gospel for us to follow so that was sickkk.

Next up we had the baptism and confirmation of horacio!!!!! It was super cool we had my comp do the ordenanza because it was his first baptism in the mission haha. but it was awesome and then on sunday he was asked to give his testimony on why he knew this church was true and he gave a super spiritual testimony so that was super awesome to here. its so cool to see people change and humble themselves to follow the plan of god.

Other news my other convert heran got the priesthood this past sunday and he blessed the sacrament for the first time so that was also freacking awesome i love seeing people in this gospel and fufil their gospel duites.

So yeah this week was pretty killer, we also got thanksgiving coming up(which is not celebrated here so be sure to eat an extra plate for me) While we do not have thanksgiving it seems like every week is thanksgiving. My weekend went as the following saturday afternoon-pizza after baptism Saturday night-asado Sunday morning-american style breakfast to celebrate the baptism Sunday for lunch-asado then our landlord came up to visit and we had a second lunch where we ate-asado. That night for dinner-asado and empanadas with lots of coke. haha so im enjoying the food pretty good here in argentina.

Alright thats all for this week love you guys have an awesome holiday!!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

haunted eden 11/11/2019

So this week was pretty long haha we traveled a good lot again and that always kills me so not a fan of that.

First off we had to take a trip down to cordoba for a conference with elder de hoyos the area president of argentina chile uruguay and one other country i cant remember haha. but it was pretty good we learned a lot more about how to work with the members in each of our areas. so i encourage those that are members to work with the missionaries as much as you can, even if you live in utah.
ive always heard the saying a mission is the best place you could be in the world. and president nelson also said that there is not anything going on in the world around you that is more important than gathering israel. This week i got a better understanding of that a little. As missionaries or at least in my case im always fighting to stay as focused as i can and forget about home "truly lose myself in the work" This is a hard thing to achieve, all my mission my home has been in the back of my head and there have been times where i have been completely focused and other times no. But understanding why heavenly father chose me to be here argentina helped me to not really try to forget about home but i found something more important than my home life, more important than all the activities and foods i miss. Which is just the people here in corodoba, my grandpa always tells me there is someone praying for the thing i carry in my backpack everyday which is the gospel. There is no reason to miss home cause i found something more important and urgent in my life to complete with, i want to be the best instrument i can in gods hands and understand what he wants with me and how i can help someone else.

So then we had another conference this sunday in la falda an area about an hour away from me, where they talked about the importance of doing our part in everything always give it our all and leave nothing on the field. It makes me excited to work as hard as i can in this life as if it were a sport or something try to be in the best shape i can so i can win.

P day news we went to this museum in la falds which is supposedly haunted and also hitler died there, During the war with hitler many germans fled to argentina so there are many nazi stories and stuff like that. But the old show ghostbusters came and visited this hotel/museum and claimed it haunted haha so we went on a tour of the place and it was pretty cool then they scare you at the end in a dark room and thats it haha

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11/4/2019 Noviembre

heeyyy whats up guys we made it to november at this time last year i was leaving the mtc haha wack. Happy birthday this week to my k stinky your getting so big kirra i love you to death and want you to know how important the church and this gospel is for me, it means everything to me and i hope you understand how important it is in your life it will bring you the most happiness ever always remember that in every situation and keep up the good work in the church. love you kir and this is the last birthday ill miss so ill see you next year!!!!!!

So this week was pretty sweet my comp had to get a couple shots he didnt have so we spent a couple days in the hospital and man im so greatful for hospitals in the states haha here there are just dogs walking around everywhere in the hospital and the mayority of the doctors smoke so its pretty sucky but hey its free so what can ya expect.

We are still working with horacio(guitar guy) and he really is progressing well he understands the restored gospel and wants to be a member of this church like crazy so ill let you guys know the update this next week.

We played capture the flag again this week with all the youth and it was like 30 youth there so it was awesome, and they are all crazy competetive haha and if you know me at all you know im the opposite of competetive.... So it was crazy fun haha and then it was the topic the next day that everyone talked about after church ahaa its hilarious i love the branch here like crazy.

thats all for this week love you guys hope you had a good halloween sad to have missed it one of my favorite holidays but hope you guys have an amazing week.
i am without pics this week sorry

mountain goats 10/28/2019

Whats up everyone this week flew by but at the same time dragged on a bit haha but still loving it here in capilla.

So my new comp is super cool i love him and we get along like best friends it so much easier to have the spirit in a companionship when you get a long with your comp and it really makes a difference in the lessons and the work

So we went on a hike with a family of investigators which was super fun haha and we saw mountain goats at the top so that was pretty sick.

Argentine elections happened here and argentina is kinda just always in a bad state economically so send the prayers down for the people here. The argentine peso now values 78 pesos for one dollar when i first got here the peso was 34 to every dollar so argentine is headed for the dumps a little.

So this week we contacted a girl and were talking about beliefs in general and she said she didnt believe in jesus christ. ah it hit me like a brick i felt so bad for her she didnt even know or believe in her savior and brother. we were able to bear a very powerfull testimony of our redeemer and all three of us felt the spirit so strong right there in the middle of the street my heart reached out for her so much and helped me remember how much people here and in the world need to know and understand jesus christ. Our relationship with him is everything and the best way to get to know him is to serve others. When in the service of others you are only in the service of god.

have a great week guys love you all. enjoy the pics

My Testimony