Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Im going home 7/29/2019

what up what up so super click bait title now to explain.
i got my transfers and im headed to capilla del monte up in the mountains with the snow and aliens haha but my first area cruz del eje is right next to capilla and its in my zone and i was born in this zone so now im going back home to that zone haha sick.

So super sad week again saying goodbye to everyone here in the area. changes in the mish bring a lot of good things and a lot of hard things saying goodbye to people always rips my heart out and i feel like i will never get over it. then i get a new comp and we have to get used to eachother all over again and its just an awkward week.
 But im super excited to head to capilla its a super beautiful area and its just a little branch up there so we gonna work como locos so when i leave its a ward.

Other news we put a fecha for bautismo for daniela finally after a fat second grinding with her so she is working on getting baptized the 11th with her two little boys. im gonna miss them like crazy we got along super well and shared a lot of amazing spiritual moments learning about the gospel together. i feel like i grew a ton here in rio segundo and will for sure always have a place in my heart. now i feel i have a little more experience in the mish and im excited to see what the people of capilla del monte are like.

Also pray for me to not die there i thought it was cold here now im headed up to the mountains with the snow and a huge lake close by so im gonna be pretty cold. My new comp has 3 months in the mission and he is from buenos aires argentina and actually has some family here in capilla haha so it will be interesting.

alright thats all for this week love you guys and ill talk with ya next week

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

7/22/2019 Becoming a teacher

hey guys so this week is my last week of this transfer so we will see whats going on with me the proximo week.

So not too much happened this week, i had exchanges with the zone leaders and then again just with one of the other missionaries in my zone. i learned a lot this week about becoming a teacher and a better disciple and how different people react to different aspects of the gospel and what things work for some investigators and for others no. everyone in this world is different but the need for the gospel is a global standard. we just have to find the way for people to understand. my zone leader said something i love and he said everyone in the world is looking for this gospel they just dont know it. some look for peace in life some look for a loyal spouse. others look for unity in the family and others just want to have fun in this life. everyone one of these fits inside the gospel we are on this earth for the gospel we are here to do this. Have fun in the gospel is the best fun i have ever found in my life. We just gotta share it in a way that doesnt scare people off haha.

I love this opportunity more than anything to learn so much about life and the gospel on a mission and bit by bit i can feel my testimony strengthining and my way of thinking about things is so different that it was before my mission. so crazy the gospel is amazing and it is for everybody in the world no matter how many times they have rejected it.

love you guys and i love the heck out of the gospel. have an amazing week everyone!!!
love elder singley.
Shout out to my cuz elder fox whos headed home this week. super proud of you big guy and cant wait to get back and shred with ya at powder mountain.(speaking spanish)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

my conversion 7/15/2019

alright whats up everyone hope you all had a great week and are enjoying summer. we are now in winter break here haha so pray for me.

so this week was  pretty awesome even tho we didnt have to much success. so we started the week off and i have been praying and fasting a lot on which area we should work cause my area is super big, so i read this in a book one time so i tried it and its called asking god for a reference. so first off i told my comp to go into the bedroom with a map of our and pray for little for the spirit to be guided where we should work and to choose 10 streets and i would do the same. now rio segundo my area has 115 streets in total. so after about 20 minutes we got together. now all i could think was have faith and to not doubt even a little it was super hard but i did it and we ended having 3 streets the same so awesome right then we did the same process to choose one street, an we chose the same street other miracle right then the streets run from numbers 0-1500 as the directions of houses so we cut that into 5 different sections of the same street and after a hour total process we had recieved our spot to work for the day from the lord and we left filled with faith and the spirit and we contacted the whole street all morning and.... nothing. not a single person accepted us. i was so lost and began to doubt but thankfully my comp said no dont doubt and i hadnt even said a word so as we began to leave the area a lady that we had contacted left her house and said wait i do have a couple minutes come and chat real quick!!!!! super sick right yeah so we taught her and she cried almost the whole lesson and it was amazing and now we are teaching her whole family!!!!!! so super excited about that. and now learned that faith and fear cannot exist at the same time they are opposites and they do not atract one another. doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.

alright so other than that we had a pretty good week grinding like usual. oh and i broke another tooth today...... so yeah i coming back to utah with dentures haha.
have an awesome week everyone love you guys to death.
love elder singley

i caught this crazy owl haha

Monday, July 8, 2019

July 8th 2019. the mission of argentina cordoba

hey everyone so another week down here in the gran m.a.c. 

so this weeek was pretty awesome first off i accidentlly ran into a piece of re bar and ripped two of my coats white shirt and under shirt and cutting my back so that sucked. Then my bike broke, and also the souls of my shoes got ripped off so haha got a little wrecked.

But other than that this week was so spiritually awesome so first off i got to meet my new pres and he is awesome he doesnt speak to much spanish but i had an interview with him and i really like him. he gave us an invitation that i want to give to you he said we need to go to a quiet corner pray and ask for help to be better at the things we are doing good and ask for what things we need to start doing and things we need to stop doing.
So this we i was trying that and i figured out any hunch or thought that i get. i need to follow it if its a good hunch. so i did that all this week it was so hard at the beginning i kept forgetting but i got better and better and it was one of the best weeks of my mission honestly i love talking with the spirit i felt him like my actual companion such a sick feeling to have and i never want to go another day without it.
Also was reading a little and read that as missionaries knocking doors when people open the door they need to see christ and not just a 19 year old gringo i need to radiate the atributes of christ and be like him so people can see me as a missionary and member of the only true church on earth the LA IGLESIA DE JESUCRISTO DE LO SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS.
i learned a lot this week about what i need to do better and things i need to stop i love recieving critisism from our heavenly father he only wants to build us up.
alright sorry tons of spiritual stuff this week next week more experiences with investigators.
pics of us in cordoba capital and a cathedral

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

tooth break 2.0 7/1/2019

whats up so not too much to report this week and im so cold right now it hurts to type haha so its gonna be a short one this week.

so first off yes i broke the same tooth again eating some dank empanadas so i have a dentist appointment tomorrow but if you know me you know im not about the dentist and especially not a dentist in argentina haha so we will see if i still end up going tomorrow.

we had a youth discussion with all the youth in this stake of cordoba and it was awesome like six missionaries were asked to come and speak and me and my comp were two of them and it was super awesome and spiritual i got to talk about missionary work to a bunch of youth that were deciding wether or not to serve missions and i was looking at the crowd of youth i was talking to and couldnt help but think of all my siblings cousins and youth in my ward and i started to cry during my talk trying to explain the love i have for this work and how important it is that we can all serve even if it means not serving a mission, then a young girl came up to me after and she was the age of 18 and reminded me like crazy of my sister brinna(bernard) and she expressed a lot of trials she was going through but she had the strongest testimony and i could only think of brinna in this moment and i started to cry again ahhaa i just wanted to hug her and tell her much the lord loved her. and i want you all to know how amazing this work really is nothing replaces the happiness i feel here. and i know you all can feel the same happiness in your homes teaching and sharing this gospel.

This week i read a quote from jeffery r holland and it said our heavenly father never gives us anthing but the best he has for us. i love that it helps me see him so much through all my trials and feel his love so strong for me.

Love you guys have the best week and seek out your savior
love elder singley

My Testimony