So first we had a lesson with an investigator and in walked two 7th day adventistas(other missionaries) and i was like what the heck is this apostasy and our investigator said that every tuesday they come overy too and they listen to them as well. thats when my heart started pounding real good, they came in and greeted us and they started to teach we were listening participating a little and then one asked the whole group what is the sabbath day and i said sunday and then the other missionary said saturday and i wipped my head around and was like what did you just say??? and she was like yeah thats the holy day. so then our investigator was like ah freak bible bash time i want to know each reasoning for each side and i was super worried so i did a quick little prayer to help us have the spirit and not fight. now i was not anywhere near ready for a conversation like this i had never questioned why the sabbath day was sunday i just knew thats what it was so i knew not a single scripture to back up my beliefs. so they began with a ton of scriptures from the bible of how the beginning of the commandments it says keep the 7th day holy and that is true then it came to our turn and my comp just turned and looked at me and i was like ok spirit lets do it so i began flipping through the bible and i was able to find scriptures id never read in my lifetime that explained it perfectly. i tought that in the beginning the commandment was given for saturday but when christ came we recieved a new covenant and i had like 6 different scriptures to back it up from the bible. it was amazing i still dont know how it worked like that and how i just happened to find all the write scriptures but i could feel the spirit testifying to them super strong. then the boy missionary came back with a bunch of papers he had printed off about our church and i immediatly felt the spirit leave so i stopped to fight with him and shared james 1.5 a key scripture we always share which says to ask god if we lack wisdom. Then we were able to share the restauration with them and give them two books of mormon and they said they would read and pray about it. soo woot woot look out for updates from them. but the best part was after they left our investigator turned to us and said dont worry i now know its true what you guys say i just felt something that i couldnt feel with other missionaries. aahhhh i was so happy i almost cried. so sweet and if any other missionaries want the scriptures i used email me no mas.
OK other news i had my last conference with my pres and that was super sad to see him go. they were like my second set of parents i love them to death.
Not much else this week i got to play a little bit more of soccer and that was sick and then recieved transfers and im staying here with my comp for another transfer.
love you guys have a great week
love elder singley
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