Sunday, January 27, 2019

Kind of a shafty week 1/22/2019

So this week hit me like a brick a little bit so first off we were preparing everything fo the baptism of yoanna we got permission signed from the mom we shoveled mud out of our bapt font forever announced it in church and printed out her bapt pamphlets. then this sunday she didnt come to church so we were like that is weird so that afternoon we headed to her house and her dad said no she cant be baptiszed this is too soon and i want her to wait till she is 18 this pretty much just broke my heart hard so i was a little down this week i know she will get baptized in the future i just want her and her family to get the blessing now but im not sure maybe our heavenly father has a different plan that will work out even better. so after that we found out that i got an ingrown toenail from walking so much and it also got infected so i have to head in to the doctor tomorrow to see if i need surgery or just cut the nail off so yeah haha kind of a lot of crap this week but still tons of good.

so one of our old investigators who cant walk to well moved close to the church so now she can start going to church again so thats awesome. i got to do exchanges again this week with the zone leaders and their area is freaking awesome so that was good to get a break from my area for a while. also we found a store that serves cheeseburgers that are kinda like the states haha so that was delicious.

i have 3 more weeks of training left which is insane for me then i get a new comp. i have been taking the lead this week in all the challenges and lessons and i actually surprised myslef with how well i was able to speak so im super pumped about that finally getting the language down. 

my tan lines are getting worse and worse as the days go by haha only my arms up to my elbow my face, and neck are tan haha everything else is white so im gonna be looking pretty funky when i get back.

love you all sorry not to much to report this week but thanks for all the support this week i heard a ton of my investigators keep saying why does god permit bad things to happen and i thought about that a ton this week and my favorite advice ive heard is to take trials as a blessing. trials suck a fat ton and they can be so hard sometimes but they are all to change us to the tool we need to be for our heavenly father and he has a plan for us if we can just trust that plan everything is better. true happines is only in the gospel everything else is too short lived to jeporidize our eternal happiness i really had to swallow that this week haha i was super upset about yoana but sometimes thats life and we just gotta take it will a smile. a quote from elder holland that i love it when we are rejected, spit upon, and yelled at we are only walking beside our loving savior redeemer and brother and elder holland says to smile at this so i tried that alot this week just looking to my side door slam after door slam and just smiled i couldnt see anyone there but i felt his love and i know that he is always there for us in everything i love my savior and this wonderfull opportunity i have to serve him and gain a testimony of his gospel and atonement.
love elder singley

also this is a song that i super love and just wanted to share it with you guys.

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