Thursday, October 25, 2018

Week 3 10/25/2018

heeeyyyyy everybody whats going on im 3 weeks in and loving it to death im sorry all of you are chilling in cold weather there here its about 80 degrees everyday with a huge rain storm every other day so this week went by ten times quicker than the last two which feels amazing my spanish was coming along pretty well until our two teachers said our lessons and classes are now only in spanish and if we speak a word of english we have to buy everyone candy that punishment isnt too bad for me because i constantly have treats in my bag its the only thing that gets me through ten hours of classes our district is super close now and we are all best buds but we only have two hermanas in our district so they dont love the mismatch but they are chill girls so its pretty sweet to have like 12 friends at my side constantly my favorite snacks here are bueno bars and gummy bears pretty much what i live on in between meals i have had some amazing spiritual experiences this week we had a lot of devotionals and one phrase i really love to hear is im giving up two years with my family so that others can be with them forever i love that so much it motivates me like no other i love having the testimonies of family and friends on my back at all times its the best sometimes i get discouraged because the work here is really hard with hardly any down time but any time i feel like this heavenly father sends me something to remind why im here almost everytime and that strengthens my testimony like crazy i wish you guys could feel the spirit that is always here i have always been the person that cant find the positives in things that are hard but here its really helped me change that i try to always have a good out look and i love how i feel now and everyone else has the same attitiude its cool we call it the attitiude of nephi but the crazy things that happened this week was the haircut appointments were all full so naturally i started giving all the elders in our house haircuts hahaha its was super funny and very stressful but they all turned out alright shout out to my mom for showing me the ways of the force. i got a halloween package from my mom this week and it was so needed my treats were running low along with my endurance and that package made my week it was so awesome and everyone was so jealous of me it was awesome i got to hammock a little which was awesome and bore my testimony in spanish in a devotional which was really scary but pretty awesome the pics this week are my district, package, hammocking. hope everyone is loving life i know i am and im super grateful for all of you love ya

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