Tuesday, February 25, 2020

bañarin with scorpions(spanglish) 2/24/2020

What up gente so this week was a mixture of awesome and pretty crappy.
First off the other day i was showerin after a good hot day and a scorpion was trying to cool off with me so that was wack but just a little guy so all good.

Alright so first off remember elder marttinez alright well dont worry this week we made him some swedish panclarks to make up for our prank. sucky thing is maple syrup doesnt exist here so we just eat em with some caramel spread, but not as good.

sheila had a sick week we made a calendar for her so she can start marking her progress and see how far she has come. so it was a killer week with her. Then she came to church with her husband lt lit lit sacrament meeting was good but she absolutley hated relief society because the hermanas talked about femenism and modesty and sheila doesnt want to go back now so gotta love members when the lesson is really important and they dont even talk about the gospel haha well with the help from above we have a lot of damage control to do but hopefully it will be all good but please send some prayers for sheila and axel.

got a little stressed this week so i got some drawing done.

alright pibes have a good week love you all and go snowboarding for me

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Julian se va 02/17/2020

hey guys hows everyone doing  i hope you are all doing good im currently dripping sweat trying to write this email right now haha the heat has officially come back.

So Funny story of the week. here in our pension of 4 we have taken it upon us to do a great deal of pranks on one another those who have experienced a prank war they go pretty heavy quick haha. well transfers came this weekend and three of us knew that us 4 were gonna stay the same in this pension but one elder named julian martinez an elder with 7 months did not know this information and he loved the pranks especially in the middle of the night. so when we recieved the transfers by phone call he was not in the room and we told him he was going to an area that was recently closed for apostasy problems and that he was going to blank and train haha. so this was on friday he began to pack saturday morning we could tell julian was a little sad because we had become very close us four. after he had packed up and washed everything ready to go to a new area we gave him the news hahaha it was a pretty funny reaction and he wasnt mad so thats good haha update next week if something happens to me now.

Other than that our investigators are doing well and we starting recieving a lot more references from members this week so that was awesome.

im super grateful for the mission because it has helped me see my weaknesses are how to make them stronger it has also helped me see my strengths and i have those strengths to help others not to benefit myself. people always say god is very misterious and works in ways unkown or unseen. i think that is because he trusts us as humans who make many mistakes and so unperfect and disobedient. But at the same time he works miracles through us he saves lifes, makes someones day, shows love, and its all through us and many people wont ever understand why he uses us when he is all powerfull but i love that about our heavenly father it makes me feel closer to him and helps me feel his love. He is our blacksmith sometimes we are the hammer helping make something else amazing or sometimes we are hit by the hammer and we feel hurt but really we are just getting better.

alright guys love you all have a great week
julain unpacking
uke jam 

Monday, February 3, 2020

2/3/2020 Mission Calll

what up everybody so this week flew by honestly and not a lot happened but heres the update

So  first off we had a member here get his mission call and was called to huancayo peru( andando con los lamanitas puros  jaja) so that was super fun to go to and remember a little bit how it was opening my papers.

in other news february is like the party month of la rioja so every other day there is a mob in the street chanting and throwing flour and the other day on the way home from work we got caught in one haha it was super funny everyone was filming us walk by.

so sheila and axel are still working for baptism but they went on a 3 week honeymoon in buenos aries so that makes it a little harder but we set up skype calls with them to keep them  progressing even on their honeymoon.

The tan is coming along haha i passed the hottest month and i only have 3 more now  then winter comes again.

ive been asking myself a lot lately in the street or at any time thats hard in the mish if im actually converted if im doing what im doing out of love or just because. being converted is something i want more than anythiing but that is a hard goal to reach  and stay at i learned i have to convert myself everyday see the hand of god and act in love and if i always have love on my mind things go smoother and i dont fight with jehovas witnesses haha.

alright thats all this week love you guys thanks for all the support

1/27/2020 bunkbed of 4

Hey guys so this week was pretty sweet still really hot but good.
we started off the week with a conference which was pretty sweet and i had four of my past companions there so it was good to catch up´a little.

so then our pres was staying in a hotel here in la rioja so he took us out the next day to buy closets and an iron because we didnt have any so that was pretty sweet haha now i dont have to walk around with everything super wrinkly

This week with our investigators was a little harder but still super good our investigators axel and shiela got married!!!!!!! ah it was so awesome and they are super excited to work towards being sealed in the temple also the first wedding ceremony ive seen in a chapel from our church but it was sweet.

So our apartment is crazy small especially for four people to be living in so we got a little creative and with a lot of work and brain power we made the bunk beds able to connect and be together so its a bunk bed of four now haha super sweet and gives us space to study now.

alright thats all for this week love you guys have a good week

1/20/2020.la rioja la linda

Hey guys so two weeks down here in la rioja and im started to get my groove now. this area is a ward and its my first ward in the mission so thats a little different jaja so this sunday there was like 40 people in church which is also the most ive ever had in my mish haha.

So blanking this area has been interesting in just two weeks we have found a ton of people to teach and heavenly father helps us so much if we are humble we were able to put a baptismal date and a wedding date for a pair of investigators that have been listening to missionaries for years and now sheila and axel are getting married the 25th of january woot woot its crazy how heavenly father can soften the hearts of people and give us his spirit to testify.

The ward is pretty cool i usually try and make friends with all the youth because the youth here in argentina always act like the elders are aliens and never talk to us haha so i made some good buddies with a couple and we set up an activity of basketball and wrestling haha super funny combo but when i told the ward i used to wrestle all the youth wanted to do it so we got together some beds and had a wrestling day haha it was freaking awesome so funny and so much fun to wrestle again.

like always its really hot but im getting used to it a little bit we started waking up early to play basketball cause at 5 am its only 80 degrees instead of 100 haha but its helping me lose wieght so thats good haha.
alright thats all for this week love you all y mando saludos a todos de la rioja la linda!!!!!
our tan lines
a cold day in la rioja because it might rain at 107 degrees haha

My Testimony