Tuesday, October 22, 2019

pan de azucar 10/21/2019

Whats up everyone another week down here in the arg. 
So this week was pretty good, so first off we ended up finding the family the had the little boy pass away from the car accident and now we are teaching them and its super cool we already have a special relationship with them and they are very interested in the plan that god has for each one of us.

This sunday was mothers day here in argentina... haha dont know why its different here and in like every other country its the same as the states. But shout out to my mom love her to death shes my everything and ive never been more proud to be anyones son she is such a stud and example to me, even when her face is have swollen up from getting stung by a bee lol haha.

So Today for p day we decided to go climb another mountain here in argentina this one was called pan de azucar or sugar bread haha super orignal names here always. it was pretty cool and fun the view was sick but it makes me miss the mountains from utah. also summer is here haha we are hittin 90s and 80s everyday now so its the season of bad tan lines, and sweaty yellow/white shirts haha. alright love you guys have a good week.
love elder singley

Thursday, October 17, 2019

transfers and asados 10/14/2019

Hey guys whats going on? so this week capilla del monte pulled a classic utah it was scorching hot for like three days and now its freezing cold and hailing haha so just brings me back.

Alright so this week was pretty chill we taught a bum ton of lessons to all our new investigators which was pretty cool to see which ones can progress with us.
One of the investigators who im in love with ahaha is horacio he is like 50 years old and has had his fair share of time in other churches but hes a stud. we met with him for the third time the other day and asked how the book of mormon was going and he had read the whole thing!!!!! then recited the story to me haha it was so cool then he asked if he could be baptized and if he could plant some plants at the church house cause winter killed all the ones outside of the building haha so yeah he is a stud. he aslo made up a song for us on his guitar about the holy ghost and he kills it so watch the vid till the end

Next we got transfers!!! elder leon is headed to a new area and im getting elder larain from chile!!! so now my list of latin comps is bolivia, el salvador, argentina, and chile. im trying to get all south america haha.

We had a pretty awesome weekend and it started off with an asado saturday night where i ate a lot of steak then in church we had two investigators in church so that was freaking awesome then for lunch we had asado with another family and that night for dinner we had another asado with a different family haha so 3 asados in less than 24 hours and i have now eaten my body weight in steak i think haha.

One of the investigators that made it too church was brisna she is 17 and a stud but she likes to go out at party saturday which is the youth argentine culture to party till the next morning at least. haha we tried to encourage her to go home early saturday and she said she would try but promised to go to church. so at church i asked her what time she went home at and she said at 9. i was so happy i said brisna way to go but you could have stayed out a little later and she said no because then i wouldnt have made it to church at 9:30 haha then i realized she partied literally all night. haha but hey she made it to church and did not drink at all during the night so woot woot for her.

alright thats all for this week from cap love you guys have a great week.
oh also i completed a year woot woot.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

G Conference 10/7/2019

Hey guys so this week was pretty sweet, we started off with a conference of the mission and it was pretty good we learned a lot about faith and what type of faith we need. One of my favorite examples of faith was elijah he was such a stud and didnt have a single doubt that he told the people to pour water over is burnt offering and then called fire down from the heavens, i want my faith to be as strong as the examples of old i want to be able to everything in the hands of god and not worry even a little, thats what he wants of us, if we can give him everything he will take care of us.

Alright then came general conference. now i loved general conference but this time i had to watch it in spanish ahhh and it hurt my brain so much haha. i was able to understand everything so that was cool to see with my spanish. but conference isnt the same without the voices of the prophet and apostles so remember how blessed we are to listen the their voices with the power and conviction they give off haha cause its not the same for everyone else. But my favorite talk was given by elder uchtdorf he talked about if we want to progress we do it by helping others progress. so our purpose on this earth is to progress and have joy, so our purpose in life is to serve others which helps us progress and our life will be full of joy, kinda a cool way to think about it.

So not much else happened we played soccer for p day with a bunch of elders from around this area so that was pretty fun.

Alright thats all for this week love you guys have a great week and keep listening to the talks from general conf.

My Testimony