Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Argentina 2/26/2019

heey fammilia and amigos so this week flew by me and my new comp are grinding hard out here.

This week was super fun idk why though but we had a ton of success. 
we found a bunch of new investigators this week so im super excited to be teaching them this coming week.
One family was a little bit of a snake family(snake": the missionary term for a teenage to adult aged woman who wants to marry you to move to america) haha so that will be interesting but thats all good snakes need salvation aswell.
this week we were working a lot with a girl named daniela she is like 32 and we were teaching her about the law of chastity and in spanish its the ley de castidad haha and the word punishment is castigo so they are super similar so the whole time we were talking about sexual relationships outside of marriage she thought we were talking about sexual punishments haha so we had to reexplain everything again hahah but i couldnt stop laughing.

another funny story ive been teaching one family english because they have a bunch of homework from school and the teachers here dont teach very well so that has been super fun to me to see the difference in languages and learning english is the shaft to learn haha our pronounciation is so wack. haha but they asked what backpack was in english and i said it was backpack and the whole family at the same time was like huh in a super high voice and i literally just died laughing for like 10 minutes and they had no idea why and now they think backpack is a bad word in english haha so still working on that.

lastly this week i brought some fried chicken mashed potatoes and bbq sauce to a family who wanted to try some american food haha it was awesome they loved it and started blasting independence music from the states while drinking coke haha it was super fun and now they all want to move to the states.

Also so my mission opening thing is on youtube thanks to jenny b and quince and all my investigators look me up on youtube and watch this video and the other day it actually made a dad cry at how much stuff missionaries sacrifice and it actually made him open up and we were able to teach him a lot more with the spirit so thanks so much to my awesome cousins for that.

i want to start a chalenge for you guys at home everyweek now so this week the challenge is simple just listen to a church song once everyday i really love the church music that lifts me up everyday so i wanted to invite you guys to do that.
thats all for this week love you guys and hope yo have the best week.
love elder singley

my new dumbells for exercise haha
my comp

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

End of the World 2/19/2019

hey everyone hope you guys all had an awesome week and thanks for everything you guys do.

So this week was super doomsday haha so in argentina there is a culture that the world is gonna end super soon dont know why but just kinda how the people are haha im not complaining tho cause then people accept salvation quicker haha. but yeah we had really hot then really cold weather here so people are pretty much set that the world is ending sometime next week haha so if i dont email next week you guys no why.

    We had a lot of problems with one family this week, gisela walter and their two kids amatiel and nayana they are super cool people who want the gospel pretty bad but they are having a lot of problems first off they have like no money to provide for their kids and are barely living with a roof over their heads right now but they cant be baptized without getting married but its super expensive here. and on top of all this their little daughter keeps seeing spirits in the house and now gisela is starting to see them. so first off we did a blessing for the home and a blessing for gisela and now things are looking up in that aspect. they have been coming to church for three weeks now but still cant be baptized cause of the wedding thing. alright miracle time so this sunday our president of the branch here and our first counselor pulled me in for and interview and a report on our investigators it all went well then the president and counselor said that all the members in the ward came up to them and said they want to fund gisela and walters wedding. haha it was amazing i started balling right there in the interview i was so freaking happy and couldnt believe the ward it was so awesome. we still havent told gisela and walter yet because the president wants to interview them first but i cant wait till they hear the news look for a report next week.

me and nunez have been grinding hard out here getting some baptisms ready for the coming weeks and i love it im starting to see a lot of blessings coming forth in cruz del eje and its awesome. my spanish is still not the best but i can now lead lessons and communicate with everyone so i love that and being with elder nunez has helped me a ton express myself in aspects outside of the gospel.

i had to travel again into cordoba capital 8 hours haha to do my legal paperwork to live here for two years but it was sweet i got to see all my buddies from the mtc so super fun.

Thanks for all the support you guys are giving me everyday i love this gospel and how amazing the love our heavenly father has for us keep sharing the gospel and the joy you guys have from it. 
Love elder singley

gisela and walters daughter
model pic of me eating popcorn
the squad from the ccm

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Transfers 2/12/2019

hey everybody hows everyone doing? hope you guys had an awesome week with all the snow you guys got.

so this week was pretty good it started off with a zone meeting in capilla del monte and that was awesome i love my zone the elders are all super dope. sad thing is my whole zone just got changed haha. 

this week we have been teaching yohana and a girl named rosario and she is actually getting baptized this sunday so super pumped for her. yohanas dad is starting to soften up to us now the other day he gave us the cups he makes out of beer bottles(he finds them in the trash he doesnt drink) haha so thats cool im hoping she can get baptized this month she is so awesome so this saturday she had a quincenera and she said that usually they party that night till 9 am and thats when church is but she told us she would go in early for church so me and wiseman naturally thought early was like 12 or 1 but the next day yohana came up to us super excited and tired and said elders elders i went in early last night and we said great thats awesome what time did you get home and she said very proudly 5am hahaha we died so yeah thats early here in argentina haha.

i got my new comp. so my training is officially done i was sad to see wiseman go he helped me with a lot but my new comp is dope. his name is elder nunez he is from santa cruz bolivia(shout out to elder mackay) he is 23 and has the same time in the mish as wiseman so only like 3 months more so im super happy to be getting these old guys to show me the ropes. its been a true test with my spanish having to show him around and only talk to him in spanish but so far so good so i love that. today we dont have much plans other than to rest a little and work because i had to travel 8 hours this morning at 5am to pick him up in cordoba.

love you guys all thanks for the support and prayers love you guys so much hope you have the best week ever and keep enjoying that dank nieva for me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

you can tell he is from north america 2/5/2019

what up family and friends hope you all had an awesome week.

so it took me a couple more days to get back to work because my toe also got infected after the surgery so that took a little bit of time but all good now. and good news i get to proselyte in sandals for like 4 months so thats rad haha.

ok so one day we were walking back from a day of straight zeros nothing was going our way and we walked past a door and we heard thick english. me and my comp both looked at eachother and immediatly knocked on the door haha so it turns out a guy from texas moved to argentina married an argentine and they have been living there for ten years and all their kids know english. we asked them about religion and it turns out they are members and the lady was talking to us about her husband then said in the thickest texan accent ive ever heard you can tell by the way he talks hes from north america haha me and my comp both died laughing but then she told us her story and she used to be super strong in the church she was a sunday school teacher she always had the missionaries over for food and washed their clothes and she even went out to teach with the missionaries. but the ward here in cruz del eje started to get jealous that the missionaries liked this family so they were super rude to them and pushed them out of the church so now they have a super bad taste in their mouth about our church so thats super bummy but we have plans to bring them some fried chicken this wek and hopefully that gets us in with them since the dad probably hasnt had american food in a little haha.

other news we have been teaching a girl named rosario and she is super close to baptism sad news is my comp leaves this next tuesday so he wont be able to see her be baptized so kinda bummy but super exciting we are close to baptizing here.

not to much else to report this week still a little bit slow with my toe but falling more and more in love with argentina and being a missionary. the gospel becomes even more precious and valuable to us when we share it as much as we can.
love you all hope you have an amazing week 
love elder singley

me reppin my towns soccer team
some fruit that grows on every tree here taste like a miny peach

My Testimony