Tuesday, November 27, 2018

holy freak 11/27/2018

ok so i literally have zero time to email this week so i have to make it super fast, but holy cow so first we flew to buenos aires at like 6 in the morning and we got to there at like 10 at night went to a hotel got there at 2 30 and had to be back at the airport at like 400 so we didnt sleep just showered so we were dead tired then flew to cordoba which took about an how met the aps then went to the mission home met our president he is super chill i love him but then the mission home is on the temple grounds so we got to do a session but we were all so tired we just fell asleep the whole time. then we go to sleep in a hotel for three hours then came back to the mission home for dinner then back to the hotel for the night my sleep is so jacked up i still dont feel normal. then the next day we walked back to the mission home and met our companions my companion is elder wiseman and is american yayayayaya he's been out here for 18 months so he really has been showing me the ropes but then after that we headed to our area which was 5 hours away so again didnt get to my house till super late in the night finally tried to get to bed but there are so many bugs spiders and stuff so you have to learn to fall alseep with things crawling on you haha so hard to do then i woke up at like five o clock to cockroaches crawling on my face and after that i was pretty done already haha but i got home and took a shower with a bucket and it was freezing but after that im kinda getting used to that everyday and just getting into the grind also here they really only do lunhc so still trying to get used to no breakfast and dinner haha but i think this area will be super humbling for me its pretty poor in this area and yeah super different my first couple days here were super hard haha most nights i ended in tears just with the adjustment but dont worry doing lots better here and the language is crazy different than the mtc but haha still learning i learned very quickly i need to put myself and my wants aside cause if i focus on those and how different it is here i will surely come home but seriously the key to happiness in this life is helping others i love teaching here i can hardly understand anything they say and just always get different feelings on what to say and i say them and they end up working and i have no idea how but i already love the people here they definetly are not the nicest of people especially compared to mexico but they all need the gospel and i can see it in so many different ways but yeah thats my life so far here insane and different love you all oh and my birthday was this last saturday and nothing different happened hahah except and the end of the night i bought a candy bar but hey im 19 now so whats up hahaha love all you guys hope you have the best week and never forget our blessings back in the states i took so much for granted so please just appreciate everything you have love you all
elder singley

ok i have a little bit of time and didn't really explain my pics most are just my area and my comp the pig is a pig we helped some members catch out in the country haha the dogs here are insane there are like 40 wild dogs in the street at all times ahha um what else the people dont really love clothes moms always start nursing their babies during lessons and just take off their shirts really wierd or people wil just answer the door naked haha i think thats its for now see ya next week

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Dear Brother and Sister Singley

We hope that you and your family are okay. We are writing to tell you that your child Elder Singley has arrived in the mission without any problems. He looks happy and very excited to serve as a representative of Jesus Christ.

We thank you for all the support and love that you have offered to your child in the service to God in such a special place called Argentina. 

We have taken pictures of your child, but we are having technical issues sending them. The pictures will be sent soon. 😊

We plead the blessings of God the Father for your family, and we thank you for all your help and prayers.

With Love,

President & Sister Correa
Misión Argentina Córdoba

Friday, November 16, 2018

I think I broke it 11/15/2018

hey everybody hows eveyone doing this week? so this week was pretty rad it started out with my whole district going to one of the presidents house for street tacos because they made a deal with us if we memorized all the principles and a scripture for each one in preach my gospel in spanish they would give us tacos and we ended up making the goal haha so that was awesome to get some food outside the ccm walls. 
THE temple was really cool again this week but i got really sick on the bus ride there and back again with all the bad polution but it wasnt nearly as bad as last time.
MY LAST WEEK so i only have until monday in the mtc and then i finally get to go to argentina im so freaking excited ive been waiting over a month for this. im getting a little nervous with my spanish so this week we went on an english cleanse and we speak only spanish from 7 am to 7pm and it was crazy hard but it has actually helped out a lot im starting to forget the english language and only using spanish especially in my personal prayers and songs. and i can never remember english words so i have to say the spanish one to find out. 
this week i decided to study the story of peter a lot and holy cow how are some people so amazing. the things that people are able to do in this gospel is unreal and such a testiment to me of faith. my favorite part of the story is peter is preaching in the city and they are put in jail because of it then they are released by angels and begin to preach the saviors gospel again they were then later whipped and tortured and after were asked why they would do such a thing and they said because we love the lord and have faith in is gospel then in the scripture it later says and they rejoyced after being tortured for they were counted worthy to represent the lord i love that verse after so much pain and suffering they were excited and happy that they could be beaten on the lords behalf that is so cool to be and want to strive to be that faithful everyday so if the time comes i can take anything i need to for the gospel because of the love i have for it.
i dont think i will be able to email for like two weeks because i miss my p day heading into the field if this is the case i love you all and cant wait to here from you cause you are all my missionaries at home love you guys keep it up
love elder Singley

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Week 5 11/8/2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRRA!!!!  i hope you had the best day ever i never thought i would miss my little k stinky so much but i hope you had an awesome day and now only one more birthday before im back there with you.

so ill start this week with the temple it was really cool the bus ride there was a little rough it took an hour on really bumpy roads smelling like sewage the whole time haha but still good and we went over dios de los muertos and it was nuts kids were trick or treating in traffic all down the road just walking on the medians and stuff really crazy while fast cars fly by. the temple was awesome though i did the spanish session and i understood everything haha that might be because its really repetative haha so not too impressive but the temple in mexico was super awesome .

so nothing to exciting happened this week same old same old but yesterday i got to be a fake investigator in front of 30 new missionaries and act like i knew nothing about the church and i was there just for service hours haha it was so fun the new missionaries are so funny sometimes they would just stand up and i was at the front of the room by myself and they would say hey do you want to be baptized if not thats ok but its a really good thing for you. haha so really fun experience there. then in church on sunday i got the chance to bear my testimony in spanish and that was a cool cool spiritual time for me and im gonna share my brief spanish testimoney with you all haha but my grammar in spanish is straight trash so lo siento 
hola elderes y hermanas mi nombre es elder singley yo soy de farmington utah y voy a cordoba argentina hoy yo me gusta compartir mi testimonio sobre el poder de ustedes. dios darnos todos personas dones de espiritual y gracias por su testimonios mi tiempio aqui en el ccm es mas facil mediante el fuerza de ustedes y yo se que ustedes ser grande y importante heramientas en mi y yo se que cuando es muy dificil en nos vidas nosotros necesitamos cava hondo por que dios es aqui y queire ayudar nos en todo tiempo y en el nombre de jesucristo amen.

im not sure how many of you will actually understand that but it sweet and simple haha not to much else happened this week class is just the usual grind and im starting to love the hard work especially when i can see my results all the time. 
i got to make a skype call with member of the church in mexico and we talked for 30 minutes in straight spanish i was so happy afterwards i could carry on a conversation and even share a message about the gospel and now have a new friend here his name is jared haha.

thats pretty much it this week but today i encourage you all to be missionaries this week i want everyone to pray to tonight for somebody they can help ask heavenly father to help you and he will put a name into your head that you can help this week. one thing that has constantly been testified to me here in the ccm is that the gospel is a gospel of profound love and will cant comprehend the love the savior and our padre celestial has for us please share that love to everyone around you and bring people closer to christ we have a saying in our district that i came up with by looking for verbs in the dictionary and i came across dig and now i love that verb so anytime class sucks or something is hard we all say vamos a cava hondo which roughly translates to lets dig deeper cause no matter what we are getting through it so we can be a better tool in the lords hands to save his children.
love you all i have the best support group back home i love writing you all every week and pray for you guys love the lord and everyone around you and your life will have the most gozo(joy) ever 
love elder singley
and the crew

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Week 4 11/01/2018

Hey everyone i made it another week i hope you are all doing amazing so this week started and ended a little rough first i was made district leader which was pretty cool haha but all my gym time got taken away this week because of it but its a cool calling then tuesday i got a huge headache and went to the nurses office and they put me on bed rest for the rest of the day which sucked cause i couldnt study or anything so i felt like i fell way behind then wednesday i got a cold with a sore throat so haha yeah hasnt been my week but that aside it has been awesome i got to teach a lesson in front of 70 new missionaries with a fake investigator and that was really fun then we had a devotional with the leader of the mtcs outside of the usa and he taught us a lot about our patriarchal blessings and i loved it we had the first group of haitian missionaries come here this week and they are so friendly even though they dont speak a lick of english or spanish our investigator lessons are going awesome so far the only two we have are osvaldo and berenice and they are awesome i love teaching by the spirit it is the coolest feeling and you can feel everything testifying to the investigator.

interesting stuff
so it rained about 10 times this week incredibly hard every time so again the whole campus was flooded at this point really regretting not taking a skimboard here for p days so my genius engineering mind found a cafeteria tray and proceeded to take cardboard from my packages i got cut out the shape a little bit and then cover it in packing tape for waterproofing then we taped that to the food tray and tried to give it the correct shape i happy to tell that now i have officially skimboarded in the mtc of mexico!!!!!!!! haha it didnt work to well but the thing is it worked. it was halloween yesterday so all the elders dressed up as eachother and traded tags and seats in class it was pretty funny i had a mohawk and glasses looking like elder cook but it was cool we went trick or treating that night at the presidents house and got candy which i love for classes. 

so this week has been really cool for me i was looking for an answer to a question and i got the same answer 8 different times in companion study devotionals class study scriptures all of them testified to me and in the devotional the speaker seemed like he looked directly at me and said exactly what i needed to hear then he proceeded to say i know at least one person needed that and i literally almost started bawling in front of everyone there. i freaking love the holy ghost espiritu santo i wish i could see it in real life. so we only sing in spanish here so after a million spanish hymms i was really not feeling another one because i love spanish but english is my first love so one night i asked if on the way home from class we could sing a english hymm everyone agreed and we started to sing armies of heleman in the pitch black walk home from class it started as just my district but soon enough every missionary within a half mile radius was belting out this song the spirit was so insane that in pitch black it seemed light as day and when in the song it says we will be the lords missionaries we sang we are now the lords missionaries and it was such a cool experience and now every missionary here sings a song on the way home in english and it just caps off my day i wont every forget those experiences. 

so today we head to the temple at 12 and im incredibly excited for that so next week ill have to send some pics of us there but its also day of the dead today so all of mexico is going nuts and we get to go outside the gates today so im pretty pumped.
thanks for all the love and prayers i pray for all of you every night love you all and hope you guys feel my happiness through the screen 
all the love in the world  elder singley
my broken watches
me and mcmurtrey
my treat droor and packages
my skimboard

My Testimony